Crust velocity structure beneath two seismic stations on the southern edge of the Central Alborz (Iran)



Crust velocity structure beneath two broadband seismic stations of Iran National Seismic Network (INSN), DAMV and THKV located in Central Alborz has been investigated by joint inversion of receiver function and Rayleigh wave phase and group velocity dispersion curves. The result suggests that Moho depth beneath the THKV and DAMV stations are 50-51 km and 52-54 km, respectively. Beneath the THKV station, there is a thin layer of very low-velocity materials at the surface and a sedimentary layer having a thickness of 10-12 km above a crystalline crust with a thickness of 34 km. Beneath the DAMV station, there is a thin sedimentary layer of low velocity with a thickness of 3-4 km, and also, a velocity change from 3.2 to 3.6 km/s at the depth of 14-16 km, indicating a discontinuity, which might be attributed to the border between the upper and lower crusts. The average Moho depth on the southern edge of Central Alborz is 52±2 km.


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