Investigation of pore types distribution in lateral and vertical directions using rock physics modeling in wells of an Iranian carbonate reservoir



Different depositional environments and their subsequent diagenetic processes usually result in various rock textures with complex pore structure in carbonate rocks. This study considers Fahliyan carbonate formation in an Iranian oil field within the Abadan plain to quantify pore shapes using a rock physics model. In this modeling, the aspect ratios of different pore shapes and their volume fractions are calculated using differential effective medium theory, taking into account the pore shape effect on the elastic moduli estimation. Different pore shapes together with their aspect ratios and volume fractions are quantified using differential effective medium theory, and then, it is used further to predict elastics logs by Xu-Payne modeling. The results indicate that two pore types of reference pores and stiff pores can be characterized as the main pores in Fahliyan carbonate formation. This conclusion is confirmed by formation micro imager (FMI) log and core information.


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