Simulation of the 2017 M7.3 Sarpol-e-Zahab earthquake by empirical Green’s function method



On November 12, 2017, an earthquake with the moment magnitude of 7.3 occurred in Kermanshah, Iran (Zagros Zone). To estimate the source parameters and how the rupture of this earthquake propagated, the accelerograms, obtained from this earthquake, were simulated using the empirical Green’s function method in the frequency range of 0.1 to 10 Hz. For this purpose, records of seven strong motion stations having good quality were used. In this study, the earthquake fault was divided into seven sub-faults along the strike and seven sub-faults along the slope, and the asperity of 21*10.5 km was obtained. The rupture starting point has been located in the western part of the strong motion generation area. The coordinates of the rupture starting point indicate that the rupture propagation on the fault plane was unilateral from west to east. The focal mechanism indicates the existence of a thrust fault with a dip-slip component at a shallow depth. Accordin``gly, the strike, dip and the rake of the fault plane have been estimated as 118, 97 and 78 degrees, respectively. After calculating design spectrum of horizontal component of all records, the results were compared to those obtained by Code (2005). The results are in well agreement with those obtained by Code (2005). However, the calculated design spectrum of Sarpol-e-Zahab station is higher than the design spectrum obtained by Code (2005) that suggests the re-evaluation of the Code (2005) for this area. 


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