Probabilistic estimation of site class for strong motion network stations of Iran using horizontal to vertical ratio of PGA and PSAs



This study is planned to estimate site class of strong motion network stations in Iran. Site classes can be used in different seismic issues such as ground-motion prediction equations. This is carried out using a statistical method. To achieve this goal, after applying our constraints and filters for the entire database (1975-2018) of strong-motion of the Road, Housing and Urban Development Center (BHRC), 3828 records from 1636 events, recorded in 893 unique stations, were handled to determine site class of stations. To that end, for those stations with determined Vs (30) (388 stations), normal distribution, probability density function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF) of natural logarithm of horizontal-to-vertical ratio (H/V) of PGA and PSAs at 24 periods were acquired, which fulfilled as the foundation of the classification of the rest 505 stations. 


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